作为jquery的作者。John Resig在博客里记录了一种class的实现,原文
(function(){ var initializing = false, fnTest = /xyz/.test(function(){xyz;}) ? /\b_super\b/ : /.*/; this.Class = function(){}; Class.extend = function(prop) { var _super = this.prototype; initializing = true; var prototype = new this(); initializing = false; for (var name in prop) { prototype[name] = typeof prop[name] == "function" && typeof _super[name] == "function" && fnTest.test(prop[name]) ? (function(name, fn){ return function() { var tmp = this._super; this._super = _super[name]; var ret = fn.apply(this, arguments); this._super = tmp; return ret; }; })(name, prop[name]) : prop[name]; } function Class() { if ( !initializing && this.init ){ this.init.apply(this, arguments); } } Class.prototype = prototype; Class.prototype.constructor = Class; Class.extend = arguments.callee; return Class; }; })();复制代码
var Person = Class.extend({ init: function(isDancing){ this.dancing = isDancing; }, dance: function(){ return this.dancing; }});因此prop = { init: function(isDancing){ this.dancing = isDancing; }, dance: function(){ return this.dancing; }}var _super = 超级父类的原型对象var prototype = 由超级父类生成的实例initializing = false;**第一次for循环** typeof prop["init"] == "function" // true typeof _super["init"] == "function" // false typeof fnTest.test(function(isDancing){ this.dancing = isDancing;}) // false**循环结束后,所以** prototype["init"] = prop["init"]; prototype["dance"] = prop["dance"]子类: function Class(){ if(!initializing && this.init){ this.init.apply(this, arguments); } } // 赋值原型链,完成继承 Class.prototype = prototype; // 改变constructor的指向 Class.prototype.constructor = Class; // 为子类Class添加extend方法 Class.extend = arguments.callee; // 返回子类 return Class; 因此 Person = 返回的子类Class; 而子类Class 此时的this指向超级父类Class function Class(){ if(!initializing && this.init){ this.init.apply(this, arguments); } } Class.prototype = { constructor: 指向自身的构造函数Class init: function(isDancing){ this.dancing = isDancing}, dance: function(){ return this.dancing;} } Class.extend方法与超级父类相同调用,使用Person构造函数,创建一个实例。 var p = new Person(true); 当new Person()时,实际上调用的是 返回的子类Class 此时this指向刚刚创建生成的实例p, 因此if条件为真,执行 this.init.apply(this,arguments) init: function(true){ this.dancing = true;} 此时调用p.dance();则其输出为true复制代码
function Class(){ if(!initializing && this.init){ this.init.apply(this, arguments); }} Class.prototype = { constructor: 指向自身的构造函数Class init: function(isDancing){this.dancing = isDancing}, dance: function(){ return this.dancing;}}Class.extend方法与超级父类相同复制代码
var QdGithub = Person.extend({ init: function(){ this._super( false ); }, dance: function(){ // Call the inherited version of dance() return this._super(); }, swingSword: function(){ return true; }}); 因此 var _super = Person的原型对象 var prototype = Person类生成的实例 initializing = false;** 第一次for循环:** typeof prop["init"] == "function" // true typeof _super["init"] == "function" // true fnTest.test(function(){ this._super(false)}) // true 因此进入闭包,把Person类的对象属性方法混入子类上。 参数: name: "init" fn: function(){ this._super(false)} 返回匿名函数 prototype["init"] = function(){ var tmp = this._super; this._super = function(isDancing){ this.dancing = isDancing;}; fn = function(){ this._super(false)}; var ret = fn.apply(this, arguments); this._super = tmp; return ret; } 第二次循环同第一次循环 prototype["dance"] = function(){ var tmp = this._super; this._super = function(){ return this.dancing;} fn = function(){ return this._super();} var ret = fn.apply(this, arguments); this._super = tmp; return ret; } 第三次循环 prototype["swingSword"] = function(){ return true;}返回子类function Class(){ if(!initializing && this.init){ this.init.apply(this, arguments); }} Class.prototype = { constructor: 指向自身的构造函数Class init: function(){ var tmp = this._super; this._super = function(isDancing){ this.dancing = isDancing;}; fn = function(){ this._super(false)}; var ret = fn.apply(this, arguments); this._super = tmp; return ret; }, dance: function(){ var tmp = this._super; this._super = function(){ return this.dancing;} fn = function(){ return this._super();} var ret = fn.apply(this, arguments); this._super = tmp; return ret; }, swingSword: function(){ return true;}}Class.extend方法与超级父类相同因此:QdGithub = 返回的子类Class(就是上面刚刚分析,返回的子类Class) 调用,使用QdGithub构造函数,创建一个实例。 var n = new QdGithub(true); 当new QdGithub()时,实际上调用的是 返回的子类Class 此时this指向刚刚创建生成的实例n, 因此if条件为真,执行 this.init.apply(this,arguments),把实例n的dancing属性设置为false init: function(){ var tmp = this._super; this._super = function(isDancing){ this.dancing = isDancing;}; fn = function(){ this._super(false)}; var ret = fn.apply(this, arguments); this._super = tmp; return ret; } 此时调用n.dance();则其输出为false 此时调用n.swingSword();则其输出为true // Should all be truep instanceof Person && p instanceof Class &&n instanceof Ninja && n instanceof Person && n instanceof Class 复制代码